I’m the property manger at Sandy Bay Apartments; we provide furnished apartments in Norfolk, VA. As landlords and property managers we are affected by people unable to pay their rent due to the corona virus pandemic. Many people have lost their jobs, are laid off, or furloughed as a result of the pandemic. When people can’t make an income, sooner or later it’s going to effect their ability to pay rent. Congress did a great thing by enacting a stimulus package which helped many businesses and tenants. People who were laid off received an extra $600.00 per week in addition to their regular unemployment benefits. This stimulus money went a long way towards helping tenants make their rent payments. Now as the stimulus money runs out, congress is struggling to enact new rounds of stimulus money. No one knows how long this pandemic will last; so will we need many more rounds of stimulus incentives? Will we have multiple legislative bills that incur greater national debt?
We all see the direction our current leadership is taking us. We’re facing huge economics losses and unprecedented sickness and death among the population. We need a new leadership direction to fix this situation and here’s the speech I’d like to see Joe Biden give.
Joe Biden ---
People of America, I’m going to address this pandemic and our lagging economy in the only way that truly makes sense. I will use the power of the presidency to provide contracts to every corporation in the country capable of producing N95 respirator masks, face shields, gloves, and isolation gowns. I will have companies retooled and retro-fitted so they can produce these necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) items. These are the tools every American needs to fight the corona virus.
Let’s talk directly about the N95 masks. These masks are in short supply in the country and are typically reserved for medical professionals. They’re reserved for medical professionals because they work!!; They’re the best masks on the market. They can be worn all day with relative comfort and have assured protection from the corona virus. The N95 mask is a respirator mask and has a breathing apparatus that helps you get air without exhausting through the sides and top of the mask. It is form-fitting to the face and the wearer has confidence of 95% protection from getting the virus and also has 95% confidence of not giving the virus to someone else.
I want the N95 mask to be the standard mask for ALL Americans! If every American citizen is wearing a N95 mask, we have mutually assured 95% protection in all situations. We can immediately restart our economy, because workers, teachers, students… everybody will be protected with 95% assurance.
Instead of having trillion dollar economic stimulus bills I’m proposing we spend mere billions instead. Billions to produce the N95 masks, face shields, gloves and gowns that every American citizen needs. I propose we create these items in such quantities that each household can have a fresh box of N95 masks in their home every week. If we’re all 95% protected from this virus, we can go on with our lives, our economy will flourish and we can get to a new form of normal until there is a vaccine for this plague.
What’s important here is giving the American people a level of confidence that they wouldn’t get sick or get their family members sick from this virus. By having the federal government pay companies to product these PPE products and having the N95 mask as the American standard mask, we can be well on our way to recovering our economy. People can go back to work, go to their jobs and get pay checks to pay their rent and pay their other bills. There will be some challenging business models of course, like restaurants and bars. These we have to address with other additional protective measures. But as a general rule if everyone wears an N95 mask and we can simply see that our neighbors, teachers, workers and students are all wearing their N95 respirator mask, we can go back to work, to school, the store, the gym, and other places with 95% confidence we are all protected. Then we can be 100% assured that we can beat this pandemic.
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